Monthly Archives: June 2013

This Looks Like A Job For Supercell!

The title is in honor of the new Superman movie coming out this weekend.  The reason is this supercell filmed over Texas.  Holy wow!  Nothing shows the juxtaposition of raw beauty with violence and destruction like a supercell.  If you ever want to know why storm chasers do what they do, just remind yourself of this video.  Weather is a siren’s song that men cannot help but be drawn to even if it means breaking up on the rocks.

The House Comes Down

After an interminably long time trying to get the permits straightened out, the property is now reduced to a staircase.  This is the result of one day’s worth of work.  Building the new house will take four months.  Never has the phrase “It’s easier to destroy than to create” held greater meaning.



Life As Seen Through A PRISM

By now, you’re probably aware of the super secret PRISM program that collects towering amounts of metadata from phone companies.  Some people are blase about the revelation and some people are apoplectic about it.  Most, it appears, fall into the blase category.

Many people seem to laugh at people being concerned about the government collecting so much data about its citizens when companies like Google and Facebook and every place with a rewards card collects this same data all the time.  Those people are missing the point.  Google has zero authority in limiting your autonomy.  Facebook can’t detain you.  The Federal Government can.  This is the difference.

Another canard that I’ve been reading is that law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear from this data collection.  This is true.  But guess how many law-abiding citizens there are?  Zero.  (Well, maybe babies.)  There are so many Federal laws that it guarantees you break unknown laws with some regularity.  Think you haven’t unknowingly cheated on your taxes?

And that’s the problem.  You’re a law abiding citizen until your neighbor who you’ve had over to your house or is in the same dojo as you or has a kid on the same soccer team as your kid commits a Federal crime.  Then, suddenly, you’re being shown in the exact same place as him when he made a phone call to set off a bomb and all those meaningless pieces of data are no longer so meaningless to the FBI as they rip your life apart trying to tie you to the criminal to coerce you to cooperate with them.  This has been a common occurrence in the Muslim community.  But no one cares when it happens to Muslims.

All of that is really besides the point, though.  PRISM is wrong because no matter how minor the violation of our privacy, the raison d’etre for the program is a completely misguided endeavor.

Terrorism.  We spend billions of dollars a month to protect ourselves from terrorism.  Let’s be generous and say that we have lost 4,000 Americans to terrorism since 9/11.  To date, we have lost over 6,000 servicemen to the fight against terror.  This number pales in comparison to the amount of lost limbs and lost minds, not to mention the number of suicides.  And don’t forget the countless and forgotten innocents who were casualties of our wars.  We are spending billions of dollars a month to sacrifice more lives than we would if terrorism just occurred every once in a while as it will no matter how much we spend.  This is an absolutely bizarre state of affairs.

Why do we spend so much money and effort protecting ourselves from death by terrorism when that money could be spent much more wisely against things that cause countless more American deaths?  Over 500,000 people die from cancer every year.  Over 32,000 traffic deaths happen every year.  Both would likely shrink greatly if we were willing to put even a sliver of the billions of dollars a month into basic R&D or even subsidized treatments.  There are plenty of other examples that I can cite as I’m sure you could as well.

We have much less to fear from terrorism than we do from getting in our car every day and yet the former causes us to throw away our soldiers’ lives and our fortunes away while the latter is just accepted as a thing that may happen to us.  Our citizens care so much about freedom until it’s threatened by a terrorist and then they’re willing to throw away the freedom away to protect themselves from terrorists.  Alanis Morrisette would actually be correct about irony if she sung about this.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t do anything to protect ourselves from terrorism, but we had a pretty good mechanism in place prior to the Patriot Act and other laws that erode our autonomy.  The only thing that 9/11 actually changed is America’s psyche.  We suffer from a national PTSD as a result.  Instead of the therapy that we so desperately needed, we were fed a constant diet of fear from our President and our Congress and our media and PRISM is the result.

All of this needs to stop.  We need to accept that, sometimes, terrorism will happen just like we accept that a car accident may happen every time we get behind the wheel.  The sole purpose of terrorism is to cause fear, to bypass our logical brains and force us to react emotionally.  In that, the terrorists have succeeded far better than they could possibly have imagined.  We have the ability to change that.  Now, all we need is the will.

Awards Shows Suck

Unless, of course, it’s being hosted by NPH:


I got tired just watching Neil Patrick Harris belt out this epic opening number for the 2013 Tony Awards show.  That’s how you do an opening!

Even the closing number is pretty epic.  NPH includes a list of all the winners in his rap:


Europe Is Underwater

There is some massive flooding in Central Europe.  Some areas of Austria got as much rain in two days as they normally get in two and a half months.  There are 100 year floods in many areas, some of which had a 100 year flood back in 2002.  100 years ain’t what it used to be.  The Danube River is higher than it has been in over 500 years.

Once again, we have an abnormal jet stream pattern to blame.  Cold air from the north follows the jet stream down to meet the warm Mediterenan air from the south and lots of rain results along the edges of the jet stream.  How much rain?  Some places got up to 9.8″!

Abnormal is quickly becoming the new normal.  100 year events are happening on an almost monthly basis at this point.  Still no action from Congress on climate change.

Movie Review: Now You See Me

Ratings for reviews will appear above the fold, while the review itself will appear below the fold to avoid spoilers for anyone that wants to go into it with a blank slate.

Jean-Paul’s rating: 3/5 stars

It’s magic!  F$%^& you!

Continue reading

A Million Times This!

It turns out that the simple act of asking a kid that’s acting up in school what’s wrong solves a lot of problems.  I’ve been saying this for a long time to whoever will listen.  Which is pretty much no one.  Oh, the irony!  Or something.

Too many kids have adult problems.  Educators in particular, but society in general, owes it to the kids to try to help them solve those adult problems.  Unfortunately, that is not always possible.  Listening to the kids is a great intermediary step.  The sheer act of a kid being able to speak about her problems can do wonders for her ability to at least cope with the problems.  It is far from a perfect solution, but it costs little time and no extra money.  All it takes is a person of authority to be able to listen.  Sadly, they are in short supply.

If I had my way and schools were financed the way they should, I’d have psychologists in every school.  One per thirty students or so.  All students would be required to visit the psychologist once a month.  Disciplinary problems would be handled much like described in the linked article above.

I think this approach would do wonders to our educational system.  For most troubled kids, it’s not that they are unable to learn, it’s that they’re incapable of learning because of outside stresses.

Listen and they will learn.

Much Ado About Joss Whedon

So this is happening:


I should be excited about this.  I love Joss Whedon and I love “Much Ado About Nothing”, but the trailer kind of makes everyone sound like Keanu Reeves in the Kenneth Branaugh version of “Much Ado” (which is awesome).  Obviously, that’s not going to stop me from seeing it.  I’ve never seen a modern interpretation of Shakespeare’s best comedy.  Fingers crossed.

Obama Administration Defeated! (That’s A Good Thing)

It’s not often that the Obama administration does something stupid when it comes to women’s rights, but their decision to attempt to put a stay on the ruling by a Federal judge to allow Plan B access over the counter certainly qualifies.  I don’t understand their logic in fighting this.  I can only assume that it’s to gain cred with the Religious Right.  If that is the case, Obama’s like the unpopular guy who keeps doing things he thinks the popular crowd  will like in the hopes that he’ll get invited to their parties.  You’re not going to get invited to their parties, Mr. President.  Please stop trying.

The good news is that another Federal judge has denied the Obama administration’s attempt.  Plan B will soon be available over the counter to women of all ages.  Women are a step closer to actually being able to control what happens with their own bodies.  No babies steps.  Ha!

It’s Care-Uh-Mel, You Ignorant Morans!

Anyone who says otherwise likes to kick dogs and drown kittens.

The language differences of America maps are making the rounds and they’re pretty cool.  Be sure to go to the original site for even more language difference maps.

For many things, I am not a normal Chicagoan (syrup = sir-up).  For others, I strive but fail to be Southern (I love “y’all” but can’t stop using “you guys”).  For others, I am at a complete loss (“bubbler” and “the devil is beating his wife”? WTF?).