This is Republican Leadership

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) tried to force a vote yesterday on a bill that would give the President the ability to raise the debt limit.  He thought that Democrats would balk at this and they would look stupid, as they often do.  Majority Leader Harry Reid (R-NV), though, didn’t cooperate with McConnell’s plans and quickly agreed to a vote on the bill.  This put McConnell in the strange position of having to filibuster the vote on a bill that he recommended the Senate vote on.

This is how screwed up the Republicans have made the Senate in the last few years. Even when the Republican leader calls for a vote and everyone agrees to vote, the vote gets filibustered.  This is why the filibuster needs to be fixed and I hope the Democrats have the guts to follow through with fixing it at the beginning of the year.

This is also more proof that Republican threats of brinkmanship if the Democrats do pass filibuster reform are a joke.  Yes, please, threaten to do exactly what you have been doing for four years now.  We’re really scared.