I’m building a house!

I recently bought a house that was foreclosed on over two years ago for pretty darn cheap.  Like cost of the land cheap.  Yay, me!

As you can imagine, the house wasn’t in the best of shape, but I still had hopes that I’d be able to renovate it and turn it into a livable abode.  It turns out that, while I could have done that, with the renovations that were necessary, it’d cost only a little bit more to tear the sucker down and build new.  So that’s what I’m doing.

I’ll be blogging about the progress here under the category of ‘Housing’.  So those of you who are thinking about buying/building your own house can learn something about the process.  It’s going to be slow going for a while since winter will quickly be upon us and I’m still coming up with a design.  I’ll fill the time in between now and construction with my travails so far.  And let me tell you, nothing in my life has caused so much anxiety as this house has.  Stay tuned!

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